Tuesday, September 13, 2005

I'm not exactly a blogger virgin, so don't get all excited thinking this is my first blog. I guess, technically it is my first blog on this blog site, so that's nice. :) In any case, generally I make blogs that are personal ranting and ravings. I realize as self sufficient as I can be, sometimes I really do need someone else to talk to. However, I'm so damn picky about who and I talk and open up to, because I realize there is a certain response I do need, and most people I know just aren't going to give me what I need. Therefore, I'll randomly let off steam via myspace blogging. Then, if it's real personal, I just leave it so only I can read it. What does all this have to do with this blog??

I've decided that this blog is more of a celebration of self. A reflection of myself in general, rather than a reflection of my problems in life.
Yes, that's it.

I think I'll still use the myspace one to vent and what not, but I think this one will be all about what makes me happy in life. What I like, what I don't, my opinions, and so on and so forth.

Feel free to stop reading at anytime. I mean shit... if I'd just read that this blog was gonna be the authors narcissitic outlet full of self ramblings... I dont know if I'd stick around either. Unless I really was into the person though. Not neccessarily close to the person, but respected their ideas and thoughts and who they were and wanted to get to know that more. So.. if you're still reading...

Thanks. :)

Oh, and the print on the left... my favorite Van Gogh painting, it's called "Night Cafe". I think I fell in love with it during Art History. Anyhow, my mom bought me a print of it she special ordered from NYC, and when I have a house... it's going in my kitchen, I think.


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