Thursday, September 15, 2005

One of Michele's number one rules in life.

I DO NOT cohabitate with bugs.

In general, and you better believe that if your ass is a bug... I will hunt you down like a dog and kill you before I move onto something else. I once saw a spider disappear behind my desk... oh hell no. I grabbed a light, and did not go back to the computer or sleep until it had been killed. You know those things crawl in your mouth when you sleep.

Anyway, this morning, there are like 7 flies in the kitchen. WHAT IS THAT ABOUT? Its not like we're dirty or have a huge cache of dirty dishes lying around. On the contrary, there are always handwashed dishes out drying, and everything else goes in the dishwasher. Naturally though, I'm pissed at the flies intrusion. All I want is two pieces of butter bread for breakfast, but the fuckers are relentless. Since this is truly my calling in life, I grab myself a magazine piled with some newspaper and I get to work. I admit lately I have been off my game, making a lot of misses, not a lot of hits in the war against the flies. However, this morning... I brought my A game. I killed all 7 flies. Only one quote comes to mind right now.

"I am all that is man" - Ramathorne

Minus the part about me being inferred a man. I even spotted what I thought was one of those real fat flies. You know the one whose slow flying tells you it has been living within your garbage can for at least a week. I knock her down, and come to find out.. it's a fly with another one piggy backed.


I don't even know what to say to that, and I can't even fathom a solid hypothesis as to why I think another fly was carrying another around on its back.

In any case, the only down side here, is I'm not too good at getting rid of the bodies. It just grosses me out a lot. Therefore, the casualties of this morning are proudly displayed on the counter, the ceiling, and the two corners nearest the kitchen entrance. The piggy backers actually got killed on the front door frame, therefore I was able to nudge them out the door.

Anyway, I was just recounting to myself how milk makes my stomach feel better from drinking the night before, and I was having issues thinking "happy thoughts" to put into my blog. As if in answer to my prayers, this fly thing happened.

Awesome. It's about 50 minutes to class.

Seacrest Out.


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