Friday, September 16, 2005


No class.

However... since I went to bed late last night, I did not set my alarm, and therefore woke up at 11:30, feeling SO refreshed. Work started at 11 for me today. So, I did my best to not shower and get ready anyway. Walked in at 12. Fuck em.

Ok, so I'm bored. Lately, since I've started this blog, I feel a decreased urge to talk. Odd. I feel like this blog challenges me when I write in it, you know why? Because I don't know who is reading it.

In any case, just been randomly thinking about EVERYTHING lately. There's just so much to process sometimes. I wish my head could slow down. Ooh, my life stresses have been alleviated substantially without the presence of men however. I have really really loved indulging myself in new female friends, and me time in general. I've been missing a lot of that in the past two years with someone constantly attached to my hip. Speak of the devil, he just called.

RIGHT, there is No One I want to date at this point. Well, ok, no... nope. I'm not on the market. I'm single, but not looking. Unless you're something really really special, and like I said, not likely.

Yeah, I'm thinking I can wind this down now. I'm bored, but thinking about making some early dinner. I love it that I say things like "making" dinner, but in my case it really only means microwaving/reheating. Kind of like when I go to the library for finals week, and even if I have managed to deter studying to the point where I'm logged into online games, I still feel studious. After all, I AM AT the library.

You know I was paid 80 dollars once to write a 4 page paper for a student/athlete here in a class I've already taken with one book I'd already read. He's 3.5ed it. I apologized, I was looking for a 4.0.

Actually, I'm going to end this OFFICIALLY today with a list of all the foods I HATE.
Tomatoes, potatoes, onions, spinach, romaine lettuce, pears, apples, mushrooms, cheese, chili, baked beans, squash, zucchini, cooked carrots, peas, sweet pickles, any fish, sushi, meatloaf, stuffing, cherries, apricots, plums, kiwi, watermelon, lima beans, and I think that's about if for now. I don't like anything spicy either.


Is it wrong that I like to watch "People's Court"?
You know what IS definitely wrong though... we had to call the management company this morning to have them come in and take care of our "fly problem" on Monday. Therefore rendering my massacre yesterday morning as an exercise in futility.

4 DAYS UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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