Monday, October 24, 2005

Randomness about me, just to fill the void in my life at this moment.

Currently watching: Willy Wonka

I watched the "House of Sand and Fog" earlier, not even the whole thing. Just maybe... the last hour or so. Cried like a little baby.

I cry easy at movies. Clearly demonstrated, as I posted already, when I watched "The Notebook". I bawled throughout the entire movie almost. Walked out of the room eyes all puffy, looking like I got beat in the face with a wet towel wrapped around a potato. This way it made a real difference when heartless little Deanie and Jenn told me that move didn't make them cry at all.

I'm an asshole at the bus stop. Is anyone else noticing the recurring theme that I tend to be an asshole a lot of places?? In any case, the bus stop. Generally around peak class times, let's say... 10:20s and 12:40, which I happen to both, the bus station is hoppin to put it mildly. Sometimes, it gets so filled at the Landings, Village, and Crossing Place, that once it gets to my building, The Club, not everyone gets on, or gets a seat. People that wait at the bus stop tend to stand behind whomever they arrived after. That's kind of nice, but I'm not here to make silent friends through respect with the people at the bus stop. I need to get to class. Therefore, if there are a lot of people crowded around the stop, I simply walk around the side and plant my ass in front of all of them. It's their own fault if they don't stand there themselves. Deal with it.

I wish Madonna would stop trying to put out albums.

I can't wait until summer 2007.

I'm terrified of my student teaching internship.

I say I "love" Chinese food, but I generally eat just Almond Boneless Chicken, which isn't even real Chinese food.

I think Kevin Bacon is SO cool, for no real reason. If I could get a lifesize cardboard cut out of him, it'd be so SaWeet!

I was a bitch in highschool, and I hated most all the other pay school kids.

I LOVE incense, the thick hand dipped stuff you get at head shops.

I want my kids to start learning a second language or two when they're born.

I'm CRAZY about crossword puzzles.

I don't really like them persay, well Dave Matthews I DO, but I really respect what DMB and Alicia Keyes do. So, I guess I respect and love DMB, but ONLY respect AK.

I saw Munkie from Korn throw up on stage.

I don't drink beer.

My favorite Daria character is not Trent, but rather "Sandy", the President of the Fashion Club.

I have not seen the last 10 cds I put in my changer in almost a year now.

I wear Chance perfume by Chanel.

I like scented garbage bags.

St Patty's before last, my old roommate and I were given 20 bucks each to make out across a table for less than a minute.

I am known as the "master forger" at the Insurance Agency.

I eat ketchup on my steak, and I LIKE IT.

I'm secretly happy with my big nose, and more discontented with the rest of my body than anyone knows.

I just won a free bar party, from a bar I have been to once in my life, and NOT in the last 2 months.

When I hang out with my Mexican friends, they call me "token white girl".

I think the word "gook" is about the funniest word I've ever heard in my whole life.

I've never really watched the end of La Bamba. It bothers me. I like to think it's just a nice little story about a chicano who revamps an old Mexican classic with what he feels his American rock n roll. In doing so, he appears on bandstand, gets his white girlfriend back, and buys his mom a house. That's it. And that plane with the Big Bopper and the other guy... never happened.

I like looking at myself in the mirror while I'm on the phone.

I'm still paying for cutting my hair back in December...

I am NOT into that "I play guitar and am a deep interpretive tortured musician who write poetry and lyrics" bullshit.

I don't understand how a song can have "ho" bleeped out, but not the N word. Btw, I will always refer to it as the N word. Lol, you might catch me sing it real quick, but I'll never ever on my own speak it. I'm white. Can't do it. Out of a white person's mouth it just has always meant hate.

This Christmas I'm SO getting paid to eat free steak again!!

When I with my cousins/brother is generally when I laugh so hard I'm about to cry.

I want to go back to visit Lake Misaukee for 4th of July so bad.

That's about it for now, kiddies.

"He's all surface"

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Currently listening to: Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue. Just FYI.

The last couple days I've been processing a splendid thought for a new blog about me. It's actually an aspect of myself I'd semi-forgotten. Although I suppose all aspects of me are present in everything I do daily, just my cognitivity of them ranges. As to not hold you in suspense any longer I will now reveal my topic of reflection.

"Michele's sarcasm is enough to make anyone feel inferior."

That's a direct quote from a dance team mom last year. Know what I call that? Power. I remember seeing the complaint on a printed out e-mail, and I took a pen, underlined that very sentence, made an arrow towards it, and wrote, "I'm awesome!"

"When I first met you Michele, I knew it was imperative to be on your good side immediatly."

Saw Nattipants last night. Haven't seen her in a SOLID year or so. She told me the above mentioned line about 6 months into us being friends.

These next quotes require a bit of background information first. I lived one year with Kelly, Julie, and Kate. Apparently, Kelly's friend Christy was supposed to come over and study or something with Kelly. I don't know this. All I do know is that Kel went to bed early, sick and this girl is knocking at our door talking about studying at 11:30 pm. I proceed to gently interrogate her on the matter. I believe phrases such as "She knows you're coming? Well, she went to bed early, and You're sure you arranged this with her in advance?" escape my lips. Eventually I give her a sigh of disdain accompanied by a head nod that means... proceed. She passes Kate in the kitchen, and unbeknownst to me at this time, Kate and Christy are like... mortal enemies. So, this doubles the girls uncomfortableness. About an hour later, Kel knocks on my door.

"What did you say to her?"

"I just wanted to make sure she wasn't randomly showing up to disturb your fever induced slumber."

"She asked me to walk her out in case she ran into you again."

Hahahahaha, fuckin loser. Within the next few months Christy eventually got up the balls to introduce herself to me rightfully, and admitting to me she was SO scared of me.

"You're tall, loud, beautiful, confident, and you take no shit Michele, that scares the hell out of most guys."

Bob Pacyga. Good man, the poor sucker who was pegged a "safe friend" in my life. I'm sure he always resented the position, but was too far sucked into being my friend, that he'd never try to improve his station without word from me first, and THAT was never happening.

Two girls once showed up at my door, thinking, if there wasn't a party there, they could at least ask for some directions. I wasn't having ANY of that. After refusing directions, the two "ladies" proceed to bang profusely on my door, screaming, calling me a bitch... yada yada. So I throw the door back open.

(In loud forceful tone)
"Excuse me, this is my apartment, my little piece of rented property you are on. I suggest you two bitches get the HELL out of my face because I will not HESITATE to beat the fuck out of both of your asses right now. Last time I checked, I did have the right to refuse directions to anyone I want."

I walk back into my apartment only to be greeted by two more strange girls in my face. Awesome, I'm sure it is clear by the expression ON my face that I'm none too pleased, before I even get to say ANYTHING, the two ladies throw their hands up in the air and start frantically yelling.

"We're friends of Kelly's, I'm her best friend, and this is my teammate, we do have a right to be here, please don't get upset with us because Kel isn't here."

Are you serious? Lol. Some girl's lameness is just flat out amusing.

I think right here is where the pee story should go... but I think I'll give THAT it's own blog. :)

Alright, and who has figured out the connection here?
Is it:

A. People are afraid of me.
B. I tend to intimidate people.
C. I'm confident and a bit loud, so I scare people.
D. All of the above.

If you picked D, you would be right. That's AWESOME. This is why I've never gotten into a PHYSICAL altercation with someone. Oh there are plenty a verbal altercation on any given night, but we never get past shit talking, because I'm good at what I do, and lucky for me. You know... I got into more altercations when I DIDNT drink, than I do now. Occassionally I'll throw out a line like, "I pop a lot of shit cause I can back it up" No I can't. That is a flat out lie, but people believe it because they're easily duped. Well ok, mainly GIRLS believe it. Guys I think can sense that I'd fall easy in a fight. Lol.

However, random intimidation seems to be working out for me.
I like it. I like me. In fact, I love me. ::shrug:: As far as everyone else, you either hate me or love, there is no inbetween.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Here I am again, begging your indulgence again.

The ever flashing cursor, prompting me to write. It's quite daunting at times. The call to write, that's what it is. It's practically willing me with the force... sometimes I resent it.

When I was 9, I had a story published. It was some contest between all the middle schools in the area. Entitled "The Day We Became Famous" (never one for brevity) that sucker earned me a free luncheon in Grand Rapids to meet none other, than Joanna Cole. For those of you unfamiliar with children's literature, she wrote The Magic School Bus books. My father quickly talked me out of going. Ha.


I loved writing. Reading and writing in general, as often as possible. Kid leaving the library with books in a large bag or wagon? Me. It makes me sad I feel I have no creative writing outlet anymore. At this point, I blame college for squandering my time on mindless secondary critical literature on subject matters I'll never dive so in depthly again. Only recently have I realized the love I've lost. Only recently have I semi rekindled it and challenged myself more to write in this blog. Whose fault is that? Blogspot's fault. One small link in an AIM pro, and I was hooked. And to borrow a phrase, blogspot has my "unparalleled gratitude". This is why I keep this blog. Not to tell you what I did over the weekend, it's not even really indicative of how I feel about my life at this time, it's for me. Because I need a place to write what I want, when I want, and how I want.

Yay! ::Smiles::

Now that the thinking part is over... let's get to some random facts about me!

I am asshole pedestrian. This remark can only be supported best via example.

Example No. 1: I realize the power of numbers as well as the safety. I do not care if your light is green or that you have a green arrow, if six other people and I need to cross the street, you will wait. Feel free to honk in vain.

Example No. 2: I will cross the street at my own sweet little pace. If you want to try to pressure me by stomping on the gas while I'm passing through your lane... I will slow down.

Example No. 3: If you, the driver, has a stop sign, and I a crosswalk, as you stop I will MAKE SURE I cross. If you want to try to cut me off, be my guest. In fact, hit me, pay for my college tuition.

The kicker: It amuses even myself to hear the slew of obscenities escaping my mouth as I encounter an asshole pedestrian when driving.


When I was in highschool we had chapel everyday, mini-church to those who are unfamiliar with the protocol of religious pay schools. Anyway, there was always some kind of cheap ploy to keep us, the student body, interested in what was going on at chapel. I was a big advocate of leaning my elbows on my knees, resting my chin in my hands, and falling asleep right there. Sometimes Kimble and I would give eachother hand massages. Anyway, assemblies were even better than regular chapel... and thinking about this one makes me laugh OUT LOUD, literally, right now. This guy came in one afternoon, saying he was moved by the power of Jesus. He was extremely strong, and he demonstrated this from lifting some weights, and hahahaha, I can't stop laughing right now. Lmao, he proceeds to grab a phone book. His gimmick is he rips it in half. I'm still not sure how this actually applies to my Lord. In any case, lol, he's HUFFING and PUFFING like he's the big bad wolf, pulling, twisting, wrenching this phone book in his hands. Lol, and this point my amusement turns into sympathy, because I really think he's not going to be able to rip the damn thing in half. I'm sorry, this isn't funny at all... but it's really really amusing me. Large man... noticeably balding... wearing a singlet with shorts over it... turning RED in the face over this phone book. It's not silent though, oh no, not silent, there's some kind of gospel/motivational/rock music pumping in the background. Eventually he succeeds, whatever.

Lutheran Hell North is EXACTLY why I like that movie "Saved" with Mandy Moore so much.

Until next time...

"Showtime Synergy"