Wednesday, December 14, 2005

"Diamonds are a girl's best friend"

I hate to be predictable.

1. I am not materialistic. I'd much rather feel your companionship, love, understanding, and interest in me past any gift you could EVER give me.
2. My mom just gave me diamond earrings on white gold screwbacks for my graduation from college!!

I'm sorry, but they're effin gorgeous. Now that I've put them on, they will NEVER come off. It's funny because I'm given the opportunity to gush about them constantly at work. My mom informed all her co-workers about the gift in advance, so now that I'm here, they all want to know how I like them and how they look. AWESOME.

Today's date is December 14th. Christmas shopping done to date: None. I just got some money not long ago, I'll see what I can do. Need to do the normal budget thing and see what's up with Christmas lists circulating. I'm excited to spend money.

You know, my boss's boss just walked by and jokingly asked me if they were just paying me to "blog". Yet, he's never seen my blog open at work, that's too funny, cause at the time he asked, they really were.

Doesn't everyone know what UBS is?? A little something I like to call, "Ugly Fat Bitch" syndrome. This is when someone has been dealt a bad hand of cards in life, and because of this, they feel they have the right now to take it out on those around them.

Ex. I worked with a raunchy girl named Morgan. Morgan came from humble/trashy beginnings. She was homely, living on her own, dating a married man, possessed a long nappy braid down her back, and a cook at Denny's. I barely talked to Morgan, but she hated the shit out of me. She was actually younger than me, but noticing I was spoiled and lived in a bubble, she took it upon herself to be a bitch. AH, we've already found two ingredients. Ugly + Bitch. So, I'd be gregariously taking care of my tables, having a grand night at Denny's, and some drunken customers were innocently ask, "can we get, like, a larger portion of cheese fries?". I'd be like, "No, I'm sorry, see Morgan back there?? She's got ugly bitch syndrome." She'd never give large portions, cause she was ugly.


You'll never really get the flippant tone of this blog unless you know me.

"Shark... swallow ye whole."

Thursday, December 01, 2005

I like waving at cops.

You know, tonight I threw on some techno and lit some candles/incense. I used to catch a lot of flack for trying to be romantic with myself through lighting candles at night. For me, candles CAN BE romantic, but in general, I like them mostly when I feel bothered, or just want to chill. I think this is due to the fact that I spent most of my adolescent life either single or just by myself in my room. Therefore, candles manifested themselves in my life, as a more relaxing tool. The only thing more relaxing for me than candles and music was locking myself in the bathroom.

Do you think the cops take the wave as suspicious?

I know that's a bit odd, and I know you're either thinking "aww, that's sad" or "what a freak". Truth be told, the bathroom was about the only place I could be alone that had a LOCK on the door. My bedroom never had a lock on it. Plus, something about lying on the cold hard floor in the dark just composed me. I always thought that if worse came to worse, I could just move in the bathroom. I figured I had all the necessary heath items plus a toilet and water! Sounded good to me sometimes. I guess every child needed their "secret place" that was personal, and mine, well it was the bathroom.

I like to try to do my best at "acting" natural when cops pass me.

Today has been a phenomenal day. This morning my play went terrific, and now, all I have to do on Tuesday/Thursday morning is show up and wait for my play to be performed. SWEET! Plus, I 4.0ed the most recent paper, as I did the last one. However, this recent one OUTDID the first paper... because the first paper I actually did get one point off, but it wasn't enough to knock me to a 3.5. ISS was just as fun as usual. I love Jill and Anatol. I couldn't EVER survive class without the two of them. I think I'd sleep.

I've been pulled over 3 times in Lansing for not having my lights on.