Monday, September 19, 2005

By request.

It's true, I will do a blog by request, but if you're not good enough, expect to be make an impromptu donation to the Michele Mason Foundation (MMF). The MMF is proud to accept cash, money order, personal check, gifts, and sexual favors* as payment.

*only applicable with certain donors

Having said that, I do have some thoughts.

Highschool. What a crock of shit, lol. My Beaner right, she's stressing cause she has no homecoming date. HAH, I didn't go to any school dance besides a freshman "mixer", until my junior year. I actually had a date and dress for sophomore year, but alas, my date, being far less than perfect, basically more or less, for lack of better words, ditched me. However, I did end up going to two homecomings, sadies, and two proms my junior year, and those three my senior year, and all with different dates!! HA! God forbid I liked anyone at my own school. That would just be too easy. Too bad I hated everyone at my pay school. It's ok, in highschool there seemed to be so many male options, flavor of the week/month was easy to achieve.

Back to the original point. Homecoming. Who cares? Prom? Who cares even less? To me, even people that talk about, "I could have been prom king, I was runner up", reminiscing FINE, but anything else, just lame. To be honest, my attitude now AND in highschool was that, I just don't care enough to get these hundred or so kids in my grade to like me. And why do I care to? I like to think the best of me is still hiding somewhere up my sleeve anyway. I don't want highschool to be what I look back on as the best time of my life, and college either. I have a HUGE life ahead of me, family of my own, new friends, and a career. I don't want to constantly be thinking and looking back at the time I had in the places I acquired the skills to be in my current situation with. Follow?

It's like constantly looking ahead.

Next thought.

Whitney Houston. The Greatest Love of All. "Learning to love yourself" is what Whitney tells us is this greatest love of all in her power ballad, if you will. For the most part, I believe her. I think too many people are looking for someone else to complete them. I think too many people look for someone else to be what they want them to be, and fulfill what they want them to. However, you just can't trust people to be what you want them to be. You have to trust them to be who they are, cause sad as it is, peope don't change. And certainly if they're changing for you, ie. someone else, that's not gonna fly either. One needs to be whole on their own and love themselves for they are first, before someone else. I understand this is nothing new, but this is to the cognitive group that reads this blog. Most people I think never even care to get to the bottom of things, and I don't think they will ever truly be happy. Kind of makes me sad, but not really, cause as long as I get there, I'm good to go. Ha, Whitney is randomly insightful... didn't she also coin the phrase, "Crack is Whack"?? That puts her up next to the likes of F. Scott Fitzgerald, who said "Roaring 20s". I love that book, Great Gatsby.

The last weekened has been quite an ego trip. I've had 4 guys constantly calling me to hang out and take me out. Kind of cool. I guess, if I really wanted any of them. Last night I ditched them all to watch "Mean Girls" with my roommates. It's really sad... I think I just want to use them. I don't even really want to make out with anyone... now THAT is odd.

Next weekend I go home to see my family. They're so cool.

Today Lydia and I went to the ghetto and SHE passed out Jesus flyers. Mind you, I did not participate. I'm not sure how I feel about that kind of evangelization yet. I know I'm content where I'm at, and I don't generally like to engage in conversation with someone trying to convert me. I don't like to force things like that on other people either, because I know how I feel. Example.

I'm babysitting at Michele's, Hunter and Bailey, her children are currently running around with the dog (a bull mastiff, who looks like the BEAST from the Sandlot) screaming, lol. Door rings. Jehovah's Witnesseses. I said ok, hello, this isn't my house, you'll need to come back for the owners later. She said, no we'd like to talk to you too. Aw shit... This may be almost verbatim what I said.

"I'm really sorry, I know what you're doing, and I respect that, but I was raised Lutheran all my life, I went to private Lutheran school all my life, and I'm incredibly contect with the faith I have and the life I lead. Now I don't want to shut the door in your face, because then that entitles you to say you're prosecuted by people like me, so if you could just agree to disagree on this one, and walk away, I'd really appreciate that."

Lol... I tend to ramble apparently. Needless to say, she slowly backed away, like I said I was the devil or something.

Was I an ass for that?? OOH, better question, am I an ass for THIS.

Denise and I are at Best Buy, right? Chick at the counter, totally think she is just.. eclectic as fuck. She's got short black hair with blonde pieces in front. A nose ring, a lip ring, a tie as a belt, gauged ears, and funky make up. She did this to herself on purpose, ok? Well, Denise and I are jivin with her, and the manager walks behind her. He, while still walking at the speed of light, looks at Denise and me, and yells, "everything ok?? OK!". Note: the second ok came without waiting for a response. Denise starts laughing, and asks what that was all about. The chick behind the counter is like.. I don't know, he's just.... weird. Denise looks at me about to laugh anyway, and I added, "says the girl with the ring in her nose". LOL, we both start laughing our asses off, not noticing that the chick behind the counter is none too pleased. She's like, "THAT IS BALLSY, I can't handle the rest of this transaction". AND SHE REALLY GOES TO GET SOMEONE ELSE TO FINISH HELPING US. LOL... Denise is like, Michele, you're such a bitch, but I love it. I mean for real though, she's calling someone else weird, when her shit looks like a pin cushion, and she did THAT on purpose.

AND in conclusion... name me this movie.

"Hey my brother, can I get a copy of your "HEY SOUL" classics??"

"No my brother, you have to buy your own."

Lol, if you knew the movie, it's a lot cuter.

"Help control the pet population, have your pet spayed or nuetered."


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