Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Happy Birthday to me!!
Hell yeah for birthday cake and breadsticks for breakfast!!!

Well... I guess I'm a bit late on that. A day to be exact. It's ok though, I'll let myself get away with it this time. Besides, who really has the time to blog when they're Princess for a day?? Ha, if "Princess for a day" secretly translates into "skipping class to nurse a hangover, getting my period, then practice, than going to dinner, but finding glass in my food, and cutting cake with the roomies, hot tubbin for a few, and then accidentally falling asleep at 12 to wake up at 4".

Yeah, that was the sum of my day. The glass in the food thing was pretty awesome though. As soon as I saw it, my eyes just FLASHED free food. I know how that shit works. I actually got a $20 gift card out of the mess. Kick ass. Friends beware though, I'm a magnet for food screw ups. They cook my shit wrong ALL THE TIME, but I do get free food. For a broke ass like me, that's awesome.

So Monday night was my birthday celebration at the bar. Boy did I celebrate GOOD. ALMOST threw up... apparently Ruby did throw up. In any case, I learned that night, that my general make up is what Lydia refers to as... "heroin chic". This means you like eye make up, but bare lips. I started this because I like to kiss. I figured lipstick decreases my chances of a make out. Don't think I'm a skank, it truly evolved while I had a boyfriend. I just didn't want to have to wipe anything off, and I knew I'd want to kiss him right away. This was in like... highschool. However, I like my heroin chic, DAMNIT. Monday was another story. I elected to go as a Punk Rock Princess, kitty collar and all. Therefore, I wore some lipstick. Plus, there is NO WAY I wanted to make out with anyone.

Great transition to my next point. I don't want to make out anymore. The idea of guys all liking me and trying to touch me and talk to me all the time, is SO annoying. Ah, ever had a mosquito that wouldn't stop flying around your head? I feel like that, times about 6, and the idea of them trying to kiss me, is like the mosquito bite. ::shrug:: HOWEVER, last night after telling someone I did NOT want to be anything remotely dating/making out with him, I was told that it was "My Loss." HA, my ass it is. To stop myself from laughing, I merely typed out, "You know I don't think that". I'm sure that sounds harsh too. Ah well.

I was also praised for my honesty last night, by an old friend. AND BOY did he get an earful of honesty Monday night. I made an ass of myself. Sometimes, I like too though. I think everyone needs to from time to time, and mine was done, I believe, with the appropriate people. Monday night's asininity revolved around *smacks forehead and looks down, shaking head* me spouting off too many feelings about EVERYTHING. Borderline crazy-like. ::shrug:: There are people I feel strongly about, but not so good about sometimes. You know what I mean? Like, they weren't right, or I wasn't supposed to like them? Which is funny, cause a lot of my "ex" best friends came from people I couldn't stand to begin with, but being the sweetheart I am, I give them another chance. THEN it ends in ruin. Get it now?

In addition, I'm a bit anxious about school. I'm also a bit anxious about my car. I am now officially braking ONLY with the E brake. Sweet. Too bad, dumb shit here didn't remember that I had an E brake when the brakes gave out yesterday. I coasted off the expressway, and to my dismay realized that my car wasn't stopping at all. That the brakes were pushed all the way down, and instead of that awesome rubbing noise, followed by the grinding and shaking wasn't there. They were just weren't working. OMG. I was all breathing heavy and shit, just swerving around trying not to hit people, praying lights turned green as I came to them. HAHAHAHA, but my genuis ass decided the only way I could stop was to turn the car off, let it coast a bit slowly, then throw her in park. Oh, Curtis Jackson... you are now the bane of my existence. Ah well, Thursday the brakes are getting fixed.

Truths of the past few days.

I'm not a sorority girl. Just cause SoHos and ME happen to have the same Tiffany's necklace doesn't mean we have ANYTHING else in common. I don't make a habit of PAYING for my friends.

I don't much like to be touched on the dance floor, unless the guy makes a nice attempt to keep up and match basic patterns.

I like Michael Jackson, and I really don't think he's a child molester.

I cried during "Free Willy".

I bawled my eyes out profusely during "The Notebook", to the point where my face was red and puffy. Talk about issues!

My leasing office returned security deposits saying that my roommates and I now OWE them 400 some odd dollars for damages. Awesome. Just what I need on top of that electric bill.

I'm generally a completely LOW stress person, right? I don't let a lot of shit bother me, ever. However, I never get as tense as when I'm dealing with all my old roommates.

I get nervous pee before a performance.

My family has forced me to drink some a sippy cup at the age of 18... and nicknamed me "Spills".

I don't think I've ever thought my lava lamp is as cool as other people do.

If I were stranded on a desert island and could only listen to 5 songs for the rest of my life, they would be:
Time of Your Life - Green Day
Saturday in the Park - Chicago
Hypnotize - Notorious B.I.G.
You Rock My World - Michael Jackson
Crash - Dave Matthews Band

Not so sure about the Michael Jackson song... The other ones are definite.

Anyway, that's about it, I might even write more once I'm out of class. We'll see how much cognitive process goes on DURING class. I should be thinking about the legitimization of bastards in colonial Spanish society. Key word: SHOULD.

"...what I'm all about, how I make a Sprite can disappear in my mouth.."

Ha, contrary to popular belief, I really do have a small mouth. That's why, whenever Bryan sets the table, he remember to put a small spoon at my place setting specifically, "for Michele's small mouth". LOL


Blogger TO said...

Ha! Brilliant rambling... sippy-cups, E-brakes and "heroin chic" in one post? Thanks for the laugh and happy belated birthday.

9/21/2005 09:22:00 AM  

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